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Legioniści - niezależny serwis informacyjny
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Thursday, 6th August 2009 10:50 AM
przeczytaj w języku polskim

Uwaga: Wiadomość archiwalna!

Mucha: We can`t pretend that conflict doesn`t exist


"Broendby resembles Legia. Danes are prepared good technically, they play the ball on the ground and through the wings. It seems that both coaches went to the same school. Both teams present very similar football. We began the season with a great result – we managed to beat 4-0 Zagłębie Lubin. I regret that Dickson Choto isn't able to play, because we understand each other very clearly" – said Jan Mucha.

"I've been looking for a club in a better league" – admitted the goalkeeper. "Some offers were out-of-date, maybe there will be some new offers. I'm an ambitious player and I'm not going to change Legia for a poorer club, even if its representatives paid me more money. I spoke to the board's members, Mr. Miklas and Mr. Trzeciak. Legia is not going to sell me for less than 2 million euro, so there's a possibility that I'll stay at Łazienkowska" – added Mucha.

"Conflicts between the club and the supporters shouldn't be footballers' business. Nevertheless, we can't pretend as if there was no conflict. When I was to come to Legia four years ago, I was trying to gain some pieces of information about the club, the stadium and the supporters. I watched at YouTube.com amazing shows which Legia's fans are able to prepare. I also heard that away team's players were shivering for the first fifteen minutes due to the support. I thought that I was going to feel it and to see it with my own eyes. But it didn't work out" – said Slovakian national team's footballer.

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